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Growth Mindset and Symphony Math

Jo Boaler, a distinguished mathematics professor and researcher at Stanford University, and her colleagues Lang Chen and Cathy Williams, released a paper detailing the critical role of models in math instruction and learning.


"Seeing as Understanding: The Importance of Visual Mathematics for our Brain and Learning" is based on both brain research and field work, and is a ringing endorsement for the type of learning promoted in Symphony Math.


Here are two important points of Dr. Boalers' paper:


  • Encourage and celebrate students’ visual approaches to math.


  • Mathematics teaching needs to become more visual - there is not a single idea or concept that cannot be illustrated or thought about visually.








Symphony Math consistently monitors content and ongoing research to ensure that students receive the best online math instruction possible. We are sharing some resources regarding growth mindset below. We hope you enjoy the videos and papers provided.


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Growth Mindset Resources

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