Praise with Substance
Randall was always told he was "smart." In math class, his teachers celebrated his correct answers, and he grew to expect this type of...

Why Models Matter
Why Models Matter We have all seen this happen in our math classes at some time: students learn the basics in our lessons, but then...

GRIT Students in your math classroom work on new, challenging material. For those students who struggle, you may notice that some are...

Connecting the Dots
Connecting the Dots You've used Symphony Math in your math classroom. Your students are using the program consistently, and they are...

Questions The math problem presented to your class is straightforward: One hundred ants have 600 legs. How many legs do 10 ants have? We...

Digging Into Guided Practice Materials
Years ago, teachers would ask us: "I see that some of my students are struggling in Symphony Math. What can I do to help them?" We knew...

Welcome to Your New Brain!
Symphony Learning loves the work of Carol Dweck and her Growth Mindset framework. We also recognize that integrating the ideas of growth...

Losing the answer key
We all want to help. We want our students to succeed in their work in our classrooms. We want them to feel protected. We want them to...

Now versus Yet
Two students in your math classroom are struggling with a challenging task. After several unsuccessful attempts, you hear one of them...

The Power of Mistakes
Why do we feel bad when we make mistakes? For many people, young and old, mistakes bring feelings of embarrassment, fear, and even anger....